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Is time leaky?

It isn't often anymore that I run across a story which can elicit in me that special willingness to entertain a wondrous (and maybe preposterous) explanation for otherwise unexplained phenomena. Of late I find those moments of wonder few and far between with most inexplicable events quickly explained away by my cynical mind. Perhaps all evidence of the hidden mysteries of the world is being actively ignored as my mind creates rational explanations for non-conformities just as it compensates for the blind spots in my eyes where the optic nerve attaches to create a seamless (and so, false) image of reality. I enjoyed a bit of that wonder and excitement again tonight reading this article by one of NPR's science consultants, Robert Krulwich.

...One of the most respected, senior and widely published professors of psychology, Daryl Bem of Cornell, has just published an article that suggests that people — ordinary people — can be altered by experiences they haven't had yet. Time, he suggests, is leaking. The Future has slipped, unannounced, into the Present. And he thinks he can prove it...