Chipmunks on Acid

The year was 1989. Analog tape was state of the art home recording technology. For some reason recording an entire album of silly songs with voices sped up until we sounded like Chipmunks seemed like a good idea. Several songs became classics. A compilation CD entitled "All the Better to See You" was made in 2000, though unfortunately from 3rd generation recordings since the old Fostex no longer works.

  • YouTube and Twitch

    Music videos I've posted on social media

  • Thus Sang the Bard at Beltaine

    tunes I wanted to bring to Bardic Circle but never got good recordings for with the group

  • Bardic Circle - Samhain, MMXI

    Sport and Cate Moran help me carry on without Tim

  • TdB Bardic Circle Podcast

    All that is left of the podcast which I used to run in iTunes where I posted spippets of practice sessions or other funny stuff

  • Bardic Circle - Samhain, MMVIII

    more musicians and more merry music making in the medieval inspired genre

  • Momus and the Fomorians - Samhain MMVI

    More originals by Tim rounded out with lots more Irish and English folk

  • Comyn's Bardic Closet - Beltaine, MMVI

    Irish and medieval inspired folk tunes with several originals by Tim

  • NRN - Mostly Covers

    Mostly inspired by Rob, we worked up a lot of actual recognizable covers for a couple summers

  • Looking For Me

    I'm done screaming

  • Uruk Hai - Angel of Mercy

    An eclectic miscellany

  • LVC Sessions

    an EP of sorts produced by Todd of a few songs Ned and I had worked up

  • PREY

    an EP recorded by John in his basement

  • The Flying Mollusks

    some more original trip-metal meat puppets inspired material

  • In the daze of Ralph

    Ned, Todd, and I collaborate. Todd was a large influence here as he had been writing longer.

  • Identity Crisis

    more attempts at writing songs but perhaps a little angrier

  • Introspection

    My first attempts at writing songs

  • Chipmunks on Acid

    A very silly set of songs inspired mainly by my friend John

  • Me, Him, and the Other Ones

    Merry antics and deep lyrics by Morgan, great guitar work by Erik