Me, Him, and the Other Ones
What might be some of the very first recordings I ever made eventually ended up on a cheesy tape I made with a couple friends in 1984. We had just graduated from High School, I knew Erik from orchestra (he was a phenomenal 'cellist and unlike me was planning to pursue it in college) and Morgan was a great performer having acted in plays and sung in the chorus for many years.
We had been playing a bunch over the year for fun and Morgan and Erik had actually worked up a few tunes Morgan had written. Morgan and I had been writing a lot of poems back then and we each had a book of them which we were using to create this performance with Erik, but Morgans were always better. One Monday afternoon when they were over I pulled out a tape recorder and decided to get some things recorded. We set up on the front step with an amplifier and electric guitar and a mic. It was all just improv and almost all of it was garbage, but there were some gems in there. They came back the next day and we recorded the other side of the tape. It was pretty loud and the neighbors sent their daughter over to tell us to turn it down. She ended up staying until we ran out of tape. None of us were prepared at all but it definitely hooked me on making music and recording it. It was shortly after that time that I got my first Fostex 4 track recorder which I would use for most of my recordings for some years.
A slip of paper inside the tape case says:
Recorded Live on July 9th, 1984. Erik Walters, electric guitar, Morgan - vocals, Nate - vocals, Talent - Erik
There really were no tracks, per se. This was just a mostly continuous live performance but there were some recognizable songs in there which I will list below.
I Miss the Walks The Wood The Tomb The Sea Righteous Men The Lord Them Good Ole Days Not Anymore (the Daddy song) The Warning Lord Cannibus A Blasphemous Joke
Nate's Music - An Overview
What are these music pages about?
YouTube and Twitch
Music videos I've posted on social media2019
Thus Sang the Bard at Beltaine
tunes I wanted to bring to Bardic Circle but never got good recordings for with the group2013
Bardic Circle - Samhain, MMXI
Sport and Cate Moran help me carry on without Tim2011
TdB Bardic Circle Podcast
All that is left of the podcast which I used to run in iTunes where I posted spippets of practice sessions or other funny stuff2010
Bardic Circle - Samhain, MMVIII
more musicians and more merry music making in the medieval inspired genre2008
Momus and the Fomorians - Samhain MMVI
More originals by Tim rounded out with lots more Irish and English folk2006
Comyn's Bardic Closet - Beltaine, MMVI
Irish and medieval inspired folk tunes with several originals by Tim2006
NRN - Mostly Covers
Mostly inspired by Rob, we worked up a lot of actual recognizable covers for a couple summers2000
Looking For Me
I'm done screaming1998
Uruk Hai - Angel of Mercy
An eclectic miscellany1993
LVC Sessions
an EP of sorts produced by Todd of a few songs Ned and I had worked up1993
an EP recorded by John in his basement1991
The Flying Mollusks
some more original trip-metal meat puppets inspired material1991
In the daze of Ralph
Ned, Todd, and I collaborate. Todd was a large influence here as he had been writing longer.1991
Identity Crisis
more attempts at writing songs but perhaps a little angrier1991
My first attempts at writing songs1990
Chipmunks on Acid
A very silly set of songs inspired mainly by my friend John1989
Me, Him, and the Other Ones
Merry antics and deep lyrics by Morgan, great guitar work by Erik1984