• virtualization

Convert .GHO to .VDI for use in Virtualbox in Win7

We created a Win7 ghost image in July last year which I was using to roll out to machines directly. Recently I wanted to have a Virtual copy of this image so I could snapshot it before installing some new software to test and quickly get back to my prior state from my workstation. While we use VMware ESXi for the servers I don't have a copy of VMware workstation and I've been using Virtualbox for years and am more familiar with that.

I have a bunch of old Ghost images and I know someday someone is going to ask me to restore one for some reason or another so I wrote down what I did just in case.

"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" clonehd "D:\tempdisk.vhd" D:\Sysprep-Win7-7-11-2017-final.vdi --format vdi

from esense.be and stackoverflow.com