About this site

My name is NateiN8sWoRLd and this site serves as my online journal.

I like playing with computers and software. Making money doing so helps.

Music has always been a big part of my life. I play several instruments, primarily guitar, 'cello, violin, mandolin.

As a history geek I like to read about history and sometimes re-enact it.

I've always been a gamer but these days that implies computer games. While I do enjoy some computer (and console) games, my interests in this area also include Role Playing, Tabletop war games, and Board games. The Gaming gallery illustrates this.

While I'm a family man, you won't see a lot of family related posts here - thats a purposeful ommission.

I have no agenda here other than to continue writing and sharing ideas. I've been keeping a journal in some form or other since 1980.

This web site has changed a lot over the years as a stroll through the wayback machine will show. One of the main reasons for this is that I use this site largely as an excuse to try out various web based technologies that interest me. If you're interested in what I've been playing with over the years, you can read the site history.