Random shots related to WFB

Skeleton army units
These were mostly put together by Em, but I've been helping finish them up.
Amber waves of blood
Game 4 with Ned The last few battles were too confining and karak yearned to meet his enemies on a broad plain where there would be room to move about. OK, so thats not really true - the Dwarves are so slow that a bigger playing area will likely mean that Karak's opponents will end up running rings around him, but we have nefarious plans to engage in some larger point battles someday so I set up a 4' by 8' table down in the basement. As usual Ned was trying out some new troops and new magic, so the game proceeded fairly slowly as we tried to get up to speed on the relevant rules. Several hours later we had only gotten through 2 rounds and it was so late that we decided to just call it. Good fun though!
Karak meets the Empire in the gorge
Game 3 with Ned The Empire as led by [Generic Priest Zealot who will remain un-named] heard a rumor that Karak, Dwarven master engineer par excellance had recently made a disparaging remark about the Empire's prized new Volley Gun (which was only recently painted) and decided to march up to the Dwarven strong hold to give the Dwarves a first hand demonstration of the gun's range and effectiveness. On the way to the stronghold, the Empire troops were met by Karak himself who had received advance intel of the Empire's approach. Meeting in a narrow gorge on the mountain side, the two armies clashed.
Karak and Rexor meet again
Game 2 with Ned Having fought the last battle to a draw, Rexor has re-tooled his army to include a couple of detachments (small groups that run alongside the flank of his main unit). One of these detachments is armed with handguns, though certainly of inferior quality to the Dwarven handguns the Dwarves field. Once again they meet on a relatively featureless plain, though somewhat conveniently a recent Blood bowl game has left the field marked with white chalk outline which should make it a lot easier for war machine crews to guess distances. Plans are in the works to replace the flooring tiles with a 4x4 piece of vinyl sometime soon...
Karak clashes with Empire troops
Game with Ned It has been many days since Karak and Rexor adventured together in and around Bogenhafen and along the River Reik. Each having grown in influence and power, it was inevitable that this day would come. For years Karak's Dwarves of the Mountain Grill made high quality weaponry for Rexor's growing human warband and the two hero's managed to continue to live in peace. Until... in what Karak could only perceive as the ultimate breach of their friendship - Rexor suggested that a wonderful piece of Dwarven craftsmanship was something less than completely wonderful (at the price being paid at any rate). Thus was war precipitated between these two old allies.
Dwarf ball slapdown
Game 5 summary Karak and his Clan arrived back at the mines to find that all the Dwarf women had packed up and left for their respective mothers' until further notice. Though this meant cold beds and lots of dishes to do, it also presented Karak with a unique opportunity to go play with the Boyz. Grabbing his blood ball, he gathered up his brothers in arms for a game of Dwarf ball on the field of battle. Most of the goblins weren't interested in such frivolity, but the Orc boyz, always up for a good game were willing. Each general would carry a ball, and killing the general would be worth 200 pts instead of the normal 100.
Dwarves fight for their manhood
Game 4 summary After the last battle, the Dwarven womenfolk have refused (to a Dwarf!) to allow the warriors to lie with them a-bed and instead have forced them to sleep only with their dishonor. Two weeks of such indignity was too much for the proud Karak and today he roared forth a-fresh with a keen eye for victory.
Dwarf army units
The army of Karak (currently 995 points)

Dwarves drink Gobo piss
Game 3 summary Game 3 (to turn 4) at Grim's between Nate's Dwarves and Tim's Orcs and Goblin horde
Battle for Skull Pass
Game 1 summary

Karak meets the warband
Game 2 summary Karak meets the warband
Skeletons vs Dwarves
The first battle between Karak and Em's Skeletons. There were some issues not the least of which being that my Army Builder isn't fully version 8 compliant (it needs to be updated) so the lists were version 7 and I don't have the version 7 rule book anymore, so we were trying to use version 8 rules (which I've never used before). Each army is about 1000 points. We completed three rounds by dinner time which is where we stopped. We called it a draw.

Vikings vs Space Guys
While we were hanging out I threw together an impromptu fantasy battle game with the kids using Lego. The rules were a watered down Warhammer Fantasy Battle which I refereed and interpereted as questions arose. I let the kids put together their respective "armies" and then came up with these rules on the spot as we were playing. The armies, which were roughly equal, were allowed a couple of special units. On one side were the Vikings (this was predetermined by my brother’s earlier work with his son creating that army) who emerged from their Keep to discover that they were under siege by 1980's era Space Guys and in communication with their mother ship in orbit. There were 29 Vikings arrayed against 35 Space Guys so I made the Space Guys a little slower with less potent long range weaponry.